Welcome to North Dakota! Agriculture is prominent in the state, especially for wheat, beans and honey. In fact, North Dakota is the No. 1 producer of honey in the nation. Like many states with large farming communities, it was a frequent destination for immigrants in the early 1900s.
We celebrate this state and the many Scandavian immigrants who have made it their home. One of the many nicknames for North Dakota is “Norse Dakota”. For this reason, we have selected Krumkake, the Norwegian cookies often served during the Christmas season.
These crispy Krumkake cookies resemble the Italian pizelle cookies and are made using a iron, often embossed with a design. After cooked, they are rolled into cylinders. We didn’t have a fancy iron for this, but used a waffle cone iron instead.



1 c Sugar
2 Eggs
1 1/2 c Milk
1/2 t Vanilla
1 t Lemon Zest
1 1/2 c Flour

Combine sugar, eggs and melted butter.
Add in milk, vanilla and lemon zest and mix well.
Stir in flour.
Let batter sit for 20-30 minutes so that the flour is absorbed.

To cook: we used a waffle cone maker. If you are lucky enough to have a Krumkake or pizelle maker, the batter amount and cook times will vary. Trial and error is the way to go here.
For the waffle cone maker, we used “medium” setting with 2-3 Tablespoons of batter and cooked for 4 minutes. This made cookies that crisped up nicely as they cooled.
After cooking, remove from the cookies from the waffle cone maker and quickly wrap around a small cylinder (or handle of a wooden spoon).